国家历史BTT365提供了一个鼓舞人心和引人入胜的学习环境. Each week, 你们将花三天时间参观我国的重要历史遗址,并在课堂上花三天时间深入研究与这些遗址参观有关的主要主题.
BTT365通过案例讨论采用正式和非正式的混合学习方法, debates, reading texts, watching films and documentaries, and lectures by noted scholars. 在沉浸式现场参观期间,您将通过协作学习体验进一步探索所有这些.
Comprehensive Curriculum
我们的课程旨在挑战你参与和互动,与你的同学和我们参观的历史遗迹. The experiential curriculum is built around four components: (1) Case Method Institute history cases; (2) parliamentary debates; (3) a speaker series and (4) visits to the defining sites of American history.
Watch what our students have to say about this unique learning approach here.
History Cases
Case Method Institute Cases
The Academy uses the case-based History of American Democracy curriculum developed by Harvard Business School Professor David Moss. 这个课程可以让你更深入地参与你正在研究的历史,因为你探索网站和听到由国家公认的学者客座讲座. 这些案例提供了关键历史事件的跨学科和背景检查, 允许您考虑历史辩论的多种观点,并将自己置于历史决策者的立场.
Braver Angels Debates
National History Academy partners with Braver Angels on a parliamentary debate program designed to encourage civil discourse. 这种正式的辩论风格可以让你讨论具有挑战性的现代问题,而不是在案例中研究的历史辩论. You will engage in a series of debates during the summer, including self-selecting the topics, organizing your positions, and ultimately, chairing your own debates. Through these debates, 你将能够更好地理解历史人物作为与困难问题作斗争的真实人物的背景, 就像你在辩论中挣扎并形成自己对现代问题的看法一样.
Guest Speakers
Speaker Series
作为演讲系列的一部分,国家历史BTT365将邀请在各自领域获得全国认可的专家作为演讲嘉宾. 这些演讲者用真实的例子来补充在课堂上和实地考察中所学到的知识. 过去的演讲者包括小石城九人的民权领袖欧内斯特·格林, American Civil War Museum CEO Christy Coleman, Academy Award-winning actor Robert Duvall, 以及史密森尼国家博物馆的美国印第安人馆长塞西尔·甘多姆.
Site Visits
Historic Site Visits
国家历史BTT365是围绕在许多美国历史的定义地点学习而建立的. 但你不会像普通市民那样参观. 您将获得幕后访问权限,经常与该网站的执行主任一起访问. 在许多这样的访问中,一位学者将与你交谈,并与我们一起度过一天的一部分时间.
Historic site visits provide context and truly “make history come alive.” Over the course of the summer, 你将参观30多个重要的地方,帮助讲述美国的故事, including Historic Jamestowne, Colonial Williamsburg, and Washington, DC; iconic National Parks such as Harpers Ferry, the Appalachian Trail, and the National Mall; the presidential homes and retreats of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Lincoln; numerous Revolutionary War and Civil War battlefields, including Yorktown, Gettysburg, and Antietam, and sites related to the fight for Civil Rights, including places that tell the stories of Frederick Douglass, John Brown, W.E.B. Du Bois and Martin Luther King, Jr . You will also have once-in-a-lifetime experiences. 2018年,BTT365的学生在肯尼迪中心观看了百老汇的热门剧目《bat365在线注册》,并放映了这部电影 Gettysburg in Gettysburg with the film’s director, Ron Maxwell. In 2022, students saw To Kill a Mockingbird at the Kennedy Center.
这些身临其境的实地考察通过哈佛商BTT365的历史案例研究和议会辩论来强化你在课堂上学到的知识. The combined impact of this experiential, 协作式和参与式学习将提高你的批判性和创造性思维能力,为你进入大学做准备.
To understand the foundations of American democracy
To deepen the appreciation and understanding of the American experience
To encourage civic engagement and citizenry